I want to write a nested callback JavaScript in order to use the subsequent ID’s of the INSERT statements in the different SQL tables. My code looks as follows:
// create Place with auto-generated PlaceID
`INSERT INTO Place (Street,PLZ) VALUES('${street}', ${plz})`
(err,result) => {
// insert User using PlaceID
`INSERT INTO User (PlaceID, Name, Created_On) VALUES(${result.insertID}, '${name}',current_timestamp())`
(err,result) => {
// insert Account using UserID
`INSERT INTO Account (UserID, Email, Password, Created_On) VALUES(${result.insertID}, '${email}', '${pwd}', current_timestamp())`
However, when trying to run this with Node.js it says Error: Callback function is not available with promise clients
Do you have a solution to retrieve the insert IDs for the following INSERTS?
I’ve also tried with .then((result)=>{..})
which seems to work but the result.InsertID is always undefined?
// create place with auto-generated PlaceID
db.promise().query(`INSERT INTO Place (Street,PLZ) VALUES('${strasse}', ${plz})`)
.then((err,result) => {
if(err)throw err;
// insert User using PlaceID
`INSERT INTO User (PlaceID, Name, Created_On) VALUES(${result.insertID}, '${name}',current_timestamp())`)
.then((err,result) => {
if(err)throw err;
// insert Account using UserID
db.promise().query(`INSERT INTO Account (UserID, Email, Password, Created_On) VALUES(${result.insertID}, '${email}', '${pwd}', current_timestamp())`)
Turns out it has to be result.insertId
instead of result.insertID
and then it doesn’t return NULL anymore..