I am trying to combine 2 queries using a nested query. The first one is this:
SELECT DISTINCT( de.MCH_CODE) AS Mach, md.MAT_CODE as ShortenCode, de.TIME as start_time FROM table1 AS de JOIN table1table2 AS md ON de.subcode= md.subcode WHERE de.ev = '123' AND de.time > '2017-11-14 07:00' and de.side = 'R' AND de.end IS NULL AND de.Subcat = 'STOP' ORDER BY de.time
Which generates the result
Mach ShortenCode Tme Mach1 451 2017-12-25 08:25 Mach2 854 2017-12-25 08:25
So 451 is on Mach1. The tricky part is that for ShortenCode i would like to show the previous Mach that it was on. It would be something like:
SELECT distinct de.MCH_CODE FROM table1 AS de join table2 as md ON de.subcode = md.subcode WHERE de.ShortenCode = 'the ones displayed in the first query'
How can I subquery to get:
Mach ShortenCode Tme Mach(Previous) Mach1 451 2017-12-25 08:25 Mach4 Mach2 854 2017-12-25 08:25 Mach5
Basily Mach column has Mach1, Mach2 and also Mach4 and Mach5. I’ve tried this but with no success:
SELECT t1.Mach, t1.ShortenCode, t1.start_time, t2.PreviousMach FROM( SELECT DISTINCT( de.MCH_CODE) AS Mach, md.MAT_CODE as ShortenCode, de.TIME as start_time, mch_ FROM table1 AS de JOIN table1table2 AS md ON de.subcode= md.subcode WHERE de.ev = '123' AND de.time > '2017-11-14 07:00' and de.side = 'R' AND de.end IS NULL AND de.Subcat = 'STOP' ORDER BY de.time ) t1 join ( SELECT distinct de.MCH_CODE FROM table1 AS de join table2 as md ON de.subcode = md.subcode WHERE de.ShortenCode = t1.ShortenCode ) t2
If you have any suggestions I would appreciate very much
I think you can try getting the subquery in the SELECT part like this
SELECT DISTINCT( de.MCH_CODE) AS Mach, md.MAT_CODE as ShortenCode, de.TIME as start_time, (SELECT dee.MCH_CODE FROM table1 AS dee JOIN table1table2 AS mdd ON dee.subcode= mdd.subcodewhere md.MAT_CODE = mdd.MAT_CODE and dee.MCH_CODE < de.MCH_CODE order by dee.MCH_CODE DESC LIMIT 1) as prevMach FROM table1 AS de JOIN table1table2 AS md ON de.subcode= md.subcode WHERE de.ev = '123' AND de.time > '2017-11-14 07:00' and de.side = 'R' AND de.end IS NULL AND de.Subcat = 'STOP' ORDER BY de.time
although I am guessing that depending on the indexing and the amount of data it could take long to compute.