I have a SQL Table that has parts with their own 2D barcodes. There may be multiple rows of the same part. Each row has a column with the Date_Time stamp.
What I need is to get the latest part data and view one of the columns to see if that value is INT 1.
Example below: Look up the latest timestamp for part “5” and see if “PartStatusSt1” is ‘1’
Here is my query:
"select * from [AppsData].[dbo].[OilPumpCoverTest] where [2DMatrix] like '" & HMIRuntime.Tags("2DMatrix").Read(1) & "'"
Then I need to look at column name “PartStatusSt1” and move that INT value to a WinCC Tag as described below:
The code above works but it grabs a random row of part data if I have multiple rows of the same part (via 2DMatrix). I need to grab the latest data per Date_Time stamp.
NOTE: My code is in WinCC via VBS.
Thanks for any help!
"select top 1 *
from [AppsData].[dbo].[OilPumpCoverTest]
where [2DMatrix] like '" & HMIRuntime.Tags("2DMatrix").Read(1) & "' order by Date_Time desc "