I have this table called tasks. I want to fetch count of the total task of each assign_date and on that date how many complete task by complete_date per user.
I want something like below
[{ user_id:1 , assign_date / compete_date : 2019-09-04, assign_task : 2, complete_task: 1 }, { user_id:1 , assign_date / compete_date : 2019-09-19, assign_task : 1, complete_task: 2 } ]
Here’s your query. using union all
will get the count on both assigned and complete dates
select user_id , complete_date as [assign_date / compete_date] , sum(case when t1.s = 'assigned' then 1 else 0 end) as assign_task , sum(case when t1.s = 'complete' then 1 else 0 end) as complete_task from (select user_Id, complete_date, 'complete' as s from task union all select user_Id, assign_date, 'assigned' as s from task) t1 group by t1.complete_date, t1.user_id