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MySQL query or procedure to return table from values computed over multiple rows

I have a network created MYSQL table with following fields:

The TIME values are epoch time ticks and each record is basically one TCP session.

I would like formulate a query (or procedure) to return a table with the following fields:

where DayOfMonth is the last 14 days or a range of last “n” days (or to keep the focus on the main problem assume the values are 1, 2, 3 of Feb 2020). The challenge is to grab all rows from the network table where STOP_TIME falls within the timeticks for DayOfMonth value for that row and sum up the BYTES_OUT to report as TotalOutBytes for that date.

I’m afraid I’m somewhat new to MYSQL and hopelessly lost.





  • the where clause uses unix_timestamp() to generate the unix timstamp corresponding to 14 days before the current date, which we can use to filter the table
  • from_unixtime() turns an epoch timestam pto a datetime value, then day() gives you the day number for that point in time
  • you can then aggregate with that value and sum bytes_out per group
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