I am using sakila.payment table. Columns: payment_id, customer_id, staff_id, rental_id, amount, payment_date, update_date
I am using this query to get customers spending the highest amount for each month. How can I get the Nth highest spending customer for each month?
select customer_id,`month`,max(total_amount) from (SELECT customer_id,count(customer_id) as `count`,month(payment_date) as `month`,sum(amount) as total_amount FROM sakila.payment group by month(payment_date),customer_id order by `month` asc, `total_amount` desc)t group by `month`
Try the following, if you are using MySQL 8.0
then it will work with row_number()
select customer_id, month, total_amount from ( select customer_id, month, total_amount, row_number() over (partition by month order by total_amount desc) as rnk from ( select customer_id, count(customer_id) as `count`, month(payment_date) as `month`, sum(amount) as total_amount, from sakila.payment group by month(payment_date), customer_id ) cal ) mnt where rnk = 1