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MySql Join Tables With Sum Of A Column

I have 3 tables in total

  1. category with columns category_id and category_name
  2. server with columns server_id, category_id, server_name and server_url
  3. server_hit with columns id, server_id, hit_count, day_date

Here in the server_hit table, I am storing how many times a web server is being accessed daily. And in the day_date column I am stroing date in this format YYYYMMDD where YYYY is the four digit year number, MM is the two digit month number & DD is the two digit date number.

While inserting data in the server_hit table, if no row has been created yet with same date then first it creates a row and then insert data in the table.

Now what I want is a list of all the servers from the server table with the following columns. If no row exists in the server_hit table, then total_hit_count should be set to 0 (zero).

  1. server_id from server table
  2. server_name from server table
  3. server_url from server table
  4. category_id from server table
  5. category_name from category table with condition server.category_id = category.category_id
  6. total_hit_count from the server_hit which is the sum of all the hit_count column of a particular server id.

enter image description here

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enter image description here

How can I get the list like I described above? I have tried with GROUP BY but I could not make it work.

Any words will be cordially accepted. Thanks in advance.

Edit: Here is my query that I have used so far



If I’m understanding correctly, I believe the following should work.

The key is to issue the LEFT JOIN so that even a server with no matching record in the server_hit table will still show in the final output, but with a 0 sum.

Add IF EXISTS to handle NULL issue

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