table 1: film_actor contains:
film_id, actor_id
table 2: actor contains
actor_id, first_name, last_name
I have tried:
select, actor.first_name, actor.last_name, count(*) from actor join film_actor am on actor.actor_id = film_actor.actor_id where film_id in (select film_id from film_actor where actor_id = 'Nick Wahlberg') group by actor.actor_id order by count(*) desc;
I realize I am probably very off.
Breaking it down, you’d want to start with all the movies that nick starred in:
select film_id, actor_id from film_actor inner join actor using (actor_id) where first_name = 'nick'
The actor_id
field will become important later
Subsequently, you’d want to find the actors that starred in that list of movies, but aren’t nick. For that you can join against an uncorrelated subquery:
select actor.actor_id, first_name from actor inner join film_actor using (actor_id) inner join ( select film_id, actor_id nick_actor_id from film_actor inner join actor using (actor_id) where first_name = 'nick' ) co_starring on film_actor.film_id = co_starring.film_id and actor.actor_id <> co_starring.nick_actor_id
Finally, you perform the grouping and ordering:
select actor.actor_id, first_name, count(*) as co_starred from actor inner join film_actor using (actor_id) inner join ( select film_id, actor_id nick_actor_id from film_actor inner join actor using (actor_id) where first_name = 'nick' ) co_starring on film_actor.film_id = co_starring.film_id and actor.actor_id <> co_starring.nick_actor_id group by actor_id, first_name order by co_starred desc;