I am trying to extract values between 2 indices in a JSON array using mysql JSON_EXTRACT.
SELECT JSON_EXTRACT('[10, 20, 30, 40,50, 60]', '$[1]');
This query will smoothly return 20
as result. But if I want to get all the numbers between, say, 1st and 3rd indices, how do I query it?
I was expecting something like:
SELECT JSON_EXTRACT('[10, 20, 30, 40,50, 60]', '$[1]..$[3]'); // Not the proper syntax
which will return 20,30,40
. But not working.
How do I achieve this?
SELECT JSON_EXTRACT('[10, 20, 30, 40,50, 60]', CONCAT('$[', idx, ']')) FROM ( SELECT 1 idx UNION SELECT 2 UNION SELECT 3 ) src;
Of course the indices range can be provided as list/range and converted to rowset in CTE/subquery.