I have a select statement with rows as table_Schema
rowid | title | author_f_name | author_m_name | author_l_name| coauthor_first_name | coauthor_middle_name | coauthor_last_name 1. "Blog Title. Roy NULL Thomas. Joe Shann Mathews 1. "Blog Title. Thomas NULL Edison Kunal NULL Shar
I need to merge the rows such that blogs with same row id are merged into a single row.
I am trying to get either <author fname, author mname, author lname | coauthor fname coauthor lname>
or a column as author co author
Each blog can have multiple authors and co authors as an example
Blog1 has Thomas Edison, Dan Mathre, Robert Cook as authors and Joe Randall as co author.
I tried
CONCAT_WS('|', group_concat(concat(ifnull(people.prefix, ' '), ' ' ,ifnull(people.first_name, ' '), ' ' ,ifnull(people.middle_name, ' '), ' ' ,ifnull(people.last_name, ' '), '|', ifnull(peopleData.prefix, ' '), ' ' ,ifnull(peopleData.first_name, ' '), ' ' ,ifnull(peopleData.middle_name, ' '), ' ' ,ifnull(peopleData.last_name, ' '))) ) AS authors
which should ideally return author names and co author names separated by |||.
However there are multiple iterations here as in
Roy Thomas | Joe Shan, Roy Thomas | Kunal Shar, Thomas Edison | Joe Shan, Thomas Edison | Kunal Shar
CREATE TABLE table1 ( `rowid` VARCHAR(139), `title` VARCHAR(139), `author_f_name` VARCHAR(139), `author_m_name` VARCHAR(139), `author_l_name` VARCHAR(139), `coauthor_first_name` VARCHAR(139), `coauthor_middle_name` VARCHAR(139), `coauthor_last_name` VARCHAR(139) ); INSERT INTO table1 (`rowid`, `title`, `author_f_name`, `author_m_name`, `author_l_name`, `coauthor_first_name`, `coauthor_middle_name`, `coauthor_last_name`) VALUES ('1.', 'Blog Title.', 'Roy', NULL, 'Thomas.', 'Joe', 'Shann', 'Mathews'), ('1.', 'Blog Title.', 'Thomas', 'NULL', 'Edison', 'Kunal', NULL, 'Shar');
SELECT `rowid` , GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT `title` SEPARATOR ' |||') tilte , GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT `author_f_name` SEPARATOR ' |||') author_f_name , GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT `author_m_name` SEPARATOR ' |||') author_m_name , GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT `author_l_name` SEPARATOR ' |||') author_l_name , GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT `coauthor_first_name` SEPARATOR ' |||') coauthor_first_name , GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT `coauthor_middle_name` SEPARATOR ' |||') coauthor_middle_name , GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT `coauthor_last_name` SEPARATOR ' |||') coauthor_last_name FROM table1 GROUP BY `rowid`rowid | tilte | author_f_name | author_m_name | author_l_name | coauthor_first_name | coauthor_middle_name | coauthor_last_name :---- | :---------- | :------------ | :------------ | :---------------- | :------------------ | :------------------- | :----------------- 1. | Blog Title. | Roy |||Thomas | NULL | Edison |||Thomas. | Joe |||Kunal | Shann | Mathews |||Shar
db<>fiddle here
SELECT `rowid` , GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT `title` SEPARATOR ' |||') tilte , GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CONCAT(`author_f_name`,' ',COALESCE(`author_m_name`,''),' ',`author_l_name`) SEPARATOR ' |||') author_full_name , GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CONCAT(`coauthor_first_name`,' ',COALESCE(`coauthor_middle_name`,''),' ',`coauthor_last_name`) SEPARATOR ' |||') coauthor_full_name FROM table1 GROUP BY `rowid`rowid | tilte | author_full_name | coauthor_full_name :---- | :---------- | :--------------------------------- | :------------------------------- 1. | Blog Title. | Roy Thomas. |||Thomas NULL Edison | Joe Shann Mathews |||Kunal Shar
db<>fiddle here