age | name | course | score _________________________ 10 |James | Math | 10 10 |James | Lab | 15 12 |Oliver | Math | 15 13 |William | Lab | 13
I want select record where math >= 10 and lab >11 I write this query
select * from mytable where (course='Math' and score>10) and (course='Lab' and score>11)
but this query does not return any record.
I want this result
age | name ____________ 10 |James
where condition (math >= 10 and lab >11) is dynamically generate and perhaps has 2 condition or 100 or more…
please help me
If you want the names, then use aggregation and a having clause:
select name, age from mytable where (course = 'Math' and score > 10) or (course = 'Lab' and score > 11) group by name, age having count(distinct course) = 2;
If you want the detailed records, use window functions:
select t.* from (select t.*, (dense_rank() over (partition by name, age order by course asc) + dense_rank() over (partition by name, age order by course desc) ) as cnt_unique_courses from mytable t where (course = 'Math' and score > 10) or (course = 'Lab' and score > 11) ) t where cnt_unique_courses = 2;
SQL Server doesn’t support count(distinct)
as a window function. But you can implement it by using dense_rank()