Sample table schema:
create table t1(
col1 varchar(20),
col2 varchar(20)
Requirement: Fetch rows that match any of the tuples (col1, col2) presented in an array.
select * from t1 where (col1, col2) in (('c11', 'c12'), ('c21', 'c22'));
I want to write this query in Go using the “database/sql” package with “” driver, and that is where I am facing the problem.
I can easily do this for single column IN/ANY query.
for example, the following query
select * from t1 where col1 in ('c11', 'c21');
can be achieved with the following code snippet:
args := []string{"c11", "c21}
conn.Exec(`select * from t1 where col1 = any($1)`, pq.Array(args))
However, I could not use similar approach for multi-column query.
I tried passing pq.Array([][]string)
, pq.Array([]*pq.StringArray)
etc. as argument, but they do not work, and fetches the following error:
input of anonymous composite types is not implemented
Will appreciate any help on this.
You could do the following:
args := [][]string{{"c11","c21"},{"c21","c22"}}
params := make([]interface{}, len(args)*2)
tuples := make([]string, len(args))
for i := range args {
params[i*2] = args[i][0]
params[i*2+1] = args[i][1]
tuples[i] = fmt.Sprintf("($%d,$%d)", i*2+1,i*2+2)
invals := "(" + strings.Join(tuples, ",")) + ")"
conn.Exec("SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE (col1,col2) IN " + invals, params )
For a two-column tuple you should be able to do the following:
conn.Exec(`SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE (col1,col2) IN (
SELECT * FROM json_each_text(json_object($1::text[]))
)`, pq.Array([][]string{{"c11","c21"},{"c21","c22"}}))