I have 100s of excel sheets(CSV files) I need to use for the historical load. I am going to load all the CSVs to a stage table using ETL.
I am trying to get the row-wise value from the cell for similar rows. Please see the snapshot in the link.
Here is a sample creation of table script, else please refer to above link for full sample data DROP TABLE #c CREATE TABLE #C (col varchar(255) ,rowid int,col1 varchar(255)) INSERT INTO #C values('Wednesday, March 06, 2019 - Weather: TY: 15‹C', 1,NULL) INSERT INTO #C values('a', 2,NULL) INSERT INTO #C values('b', 3,NULL) INSERT INTO #C values('c', 4,NULL) INSERT INTO #C values('Thursday, March 07, 2019 - Weather: TY: 12‹C', 5,NULL) INSERT INTO #C values('a', 6,NULL) INSERT INTO #C values('b', 7,NULL) INSERT INTO #C values('c', 8,NULL) INSERT INTO #C values('Friday, March 08, 2019 - Weather: TY: 12‹C', 9,NULL) INSERT INTO #C values('a', 10,NULL) INSERT INTO #C values('b', 11,NULL) INSERT INTO #C values('c', 12,NULL)
snapshot of the output here: black tick is correct, red crosses are wrong
I got the 1st three sections correct but others I got wrong. the red cross sections are wrong as I need to get the date in the row section.
ALTER TABLE dbo.[sql GET VALUES] ADD rowId INT IDENTITY(1, 1) ALTER TABLE dbo.[sql GET VALUES] ADD RequiredColumn VARCHAR(255) NULL UPDATE a SET requiredColumn = column1 FROM dbo.[sql GET VALUES] a WHERE column1 LIKE '%Sunday%' OR column1 LIKE '%Monday%' OR column1 LIKE '%tuesday%' OR column1 LIKE '%wednesday%' OR column1 LIKE '%thursday%' OR column1 LIKE '%friday%' OR column1 LIKE '%saturday%' IF OBJECT_ID('Tempdb.dbo.#temptable') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE tempdb.dbo.#temptable END SELECT rowID, CASE WHEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(255), requiredcolumn) IS NOT NULL THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(255), requiredcolumn) ELSE ( SELECT MAX(requiredcolumn) FROM dbo.[sql GET VALUES] WHERE rowID <= t.rowID - 1 ) END AS requiredcolumn INTO #temptable FROM dbo.[sql GET VALUES] t UPDATE a SET a.requiredcolumn = i.requiredcolumn -- select a.requiredcolumn, i.requiredcolumn,* FROM #temptable i INNER JOIN dbo.[sql GET VALUES] a ON i.rowID = a.rowID SELECT * FROM [sql GET VALUES]
I need to get the date info to the row for each row with date value along the column.
Using a CTE and a double use of the window function for MAX works for this.
And then it can be done in 1 update statement.
In the SQL, the first MAX
calculates the highest previous/current Id with a valid column1 value.
The second MAX
uses that calculated id to get the valid column1 value.
Sample data:
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#C', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #C; CREATE TABLE #C (rowid int primary key identity(1,1), column1 VARCHAR(255), RequiredColumn VARCHAR(255)); insert into #C (column1) values ('Wednesday, March 06, 2019 - Weather: TY: 15‹C'), ('a'), ('b'), ('c'), ('Thursday, March 07, 2019 - Weather: TY: 12‹C'), ('d'), ('e'), ('f'), ('Friday, March 08, 2019 - Weather: TY: 12‹C'), ('g'), ('h'), ('i');
Update & select
;WITH CTE AS ( select *, max(case when rowid = MaxPrevId then column1 end) over (partition by MaxPrevId) as column1calc from ( select rowid, column1, RequiredColumn, max(case when column1 LIKE '%sunday%' OR column1 LIKE '%monday%' OR column1 LIKE '%tuesday%' OR column1 LIKE '%wednesday%' OR column1 LIKE '%thursday%' OR column1 LIKE '%friday%' OR column1 LIKE '%saturday%' then rowid end) over (order by rowid ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as MaxPrevId from #C ) q ) UPDATE CTE SET RequiredColumn = column1calc; select rowid, RequiredColumn from #C order by rowid;
rowid RequiredColumn 1 Wednesday, March 06, 2019 - Weather: TY: 15‹C 2 Wednesday, March 06, 2019 - Weather: TY: 15‹C 3 Wednesday, March 06, 2019 - Weather: TY: 15‹C 4 Wednesday, March 06, 2019 - Weather: TY: 15‹C 5 Thursday, March 07, 2019 - Weather: TY: 12‹C 6 Thursday, March 07, 2019 - Weather: TY: 12‹C 7 Thursday, March 07, 2019 - Weather: TY: 12‹C 8 Thursday, March 07, 2019 - Weather: TY: 12‹C 9 Friday, March 08, 2019 - Weather: TY: 12‹C 10 Friday, March 08, 2019 - Weather: TY: 12‹C 11 Friday, March 08, 2019 - Weather: TY: 12‹C 12 Friday, March 08, 2019 - Weather: TY: 12‹C