I’m trying to run a query where I need very specific conditions to be met:
- Sales code is All
- Item has Original Price flag set
- Item has a price with no Original Price flag set that is the same as the Price with Original Price flag set
- Price without Original price flag set must be created after the price with Original price flag
Currently I am using the following query to get the information I need;
select [item no_], [variant code],[unit price including vat], [original price], [Starting Date], [Ending Date] from [Sales Price] where [Sales Code] = 'all' and [Ending Date] = '1753-01-01 00:00:00.000'
This is the example result:
1 means Original Price flag is set and 0 means it is not
The result I need from this query would be to only show these two:
I am assuming you are working with SQL Server
as your current query syntax suggests.
If, so you can use lag()
select sp.* from (select sp.*, lag([original price]) over (partition by [item no_] order by [Starting Date]) as prev_price from [Sales Price] sp where [Sales Code] = 'all' ) sp where ([original price] = 1 or prev_price = 1);