I have recently taken over SQL query responsibilities from a colleague who has left.
My question is as follows:
I have 4 work items (A, B, C, D). I have a base population of several thousand cases in which work item D was always the last event. However, in this population, the 2nd to last work item could be A, B, or C. I need to measure, on average, the time between the end of work item A, B, or C and the end of work item item D. What would this code look like?
Supplementary information: The pertinent tables I would join:
Database.workitems (identifies work item a b c d)
Database.workitemstatus (show possible statuses – open, in progress, complete – of work items)
Database.workitemsstatustime (gives the timestamp for work item status inserts)
So I think my FROM statement would be
FROM database.basepopulation BP --this table had one column, case number Inner Join database.workitems WI ON BP.casenumber = WI.casenumber -- this gives me work items A,B,C,D Inner Join database.workitemstatus WIS ON WI.workitemID = WIS.workitemID -- this gives me the statuses open, in progress, complete Inner Join database.workitemstatustime WIST ON WIS.statusinsertdate = WI.dateID -- gives me the timestamps of the status inserts
So I think I have what I need to start. The base population established every case number ended in work item D. Now I must measure the average time between work item status = complete for any other work item (A,B,C) and work item status = complete for work item D.
Plenty of guessing going on here . . . workitemstatustime seems redundant? You’ll need to provide columns of the tables for us to understand. untested but maybe this will help you figure something out.
select BP.*, WIS.dateID DCompletion, secondtolast.previousCompletion, datediff(day,previousCompletion, WIS.dateID) / count(*) AverageDays from basepopulation BP inner join ( -- this subquery gets the maximum completed date that isn't from item D select WI.casenumber, max(WI.dateID) previousCompletion -- Guessing that dateID is the completion date from workitems WI Inner Join workitemstatus WIS ON WI.workitemID = WIS.workitemID and WIS.status='Completed' -- I'm totally guessing at this where WI.Item <> 'D' -- Another total guess group by WI.casenumber ) secondtolast on secondtolast.casenumber = BP.casenumber inner join workitems WI ON BP.casenumber = WI.casenumber Inner Join workitemstatus WIS ON WI.workitemID = WIS.workitemID where WIS.status = 'Completed' -- I'm guessing here and WI.Item = 'D' -- another guess