I have one endpoint that is 7. I would like to few numbers 40,35,30,26,22,18,12 mark as completed.(This is an example. The value may be different) and few numbers 13,17,21,27,32,38,43 mark as pending. (This is an example. The value may be different) Can we achieve by SQL statement? for number details, please find the image.
If your DBMS supports Windowed Aggregates:
with cte as
( select ID, point,
-- find all rows after the latest 7 row
sum(case when point = 7 then 1 end)
over (order by ID DESC) as cumsum
from tab
select ID, point,
case when point = 7 then 'endpoint'
when cumsum is null then 'pending' -- no 7 after those IDs
else 'completed'
from cte