Rails 6.0.0
Hello I have a model called “Group” which connects to an SQLite database. This database has two columns I’m interested in, they are hits, as an integer and iteration as an integer also.
What I would like to achieve is to read the iteration column, return each unique entry (1,2,3…..50 for example) then for every entry returned perform a lookup on the hits table and sum them together.
I’ve gotten as far as finding the unique values in the iteration column with this code:
2.6.2 :001 > Group.pluck(:iteration).uniq
(0.5ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)
(0.2ms) SELECT "groups"."iteration" FROM "groups"
=> [1, 2]
This is expected as I have only two unique values so far.
And also able to sum together the hits column whilst filtered on iteration.
2.6.2 :001 > Group.where("iteration = 1").where("hits >0").sum(:hits)
(0.5ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)
(0.1ms) SELECT SUM("groups"."hits") FROM "groups" WHERE (iteration = 1) AND (hits >0)
=> 143
I think I need some sort of loop but I’m not sure how to get the value from the .pluck command into the .where command. I tried this but it didn’t work. Any suggestions on how to generate this query would be appreciated.
Group.pluck(:iteration).uniq.each do |a|
hits_sum = Group.where("iteration = a ").where("hits >0").sum(:hits)
you need to group_by iteration
and sum the hits