I have a MYSQL table posts
which contains a VARCHAR(25)
column created
that is filled with datetimes in the format XXXX-XX XX:XX:XX
. I’m attempting to search by dates > now – 24 hours.
//get the timestamp for now - 24 hours
$timeAgo=date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime('-24 hours'));
//outputs something like 2020-09-17 12:32:44
//search for all posts that meet the criteria
$sql = "SELECT posts.*
FROM posts
WHERE posts.uuid='uuid1'
OR posts.uuid='uuid2'
OR posts.uuid='uuid3'
AND posts.created > '$timeAgo'
ORDER BY posts.id DESC
When searching with just one posts.uuid
I get the desired result, which lists all posts from that uuid that are within the last 24 hours (or other specified time).
When I search with multiple uuids as referenced in the code block above, I get undesired results which lists all posts from the respective uuids, regardless of when they were created.
How can I search for all posts within the last 24 hours (or other specified time) with multiple posts.uuid
You need parentheses around the OR
(posts.uuid='uuid1' OR posts.uuid='uuid2' OR posts.uuid='uuid3')
AND posts.created > '$timeAgo'
Rationale: AND
has higher prescedence than OR
, so without parentheses the expression is equivalent to:
OR posts.uuid='uuid2'
OR (posts.uuid='uuid3' AND posts.created > '$timeAgo')
It is simpler to use IN
WHERE posts.uuid in ('uuid1', 'uuid2', 'uuid3') AND posts.created > '$timeAgo'
Note that you can compute the date directly in the query rather than in PHP. Also, you don’t need to prefix the columns with the table name, since only one table is involved in the query. I would phrae this as:
FROM posts
WHERE uuid IN ('uuid1', 'uuid2', 'uuid3') AND created > now() - interval 1 day