I have the following SQL Statement:
Select CountryCodeTwoChar FROM (Select CountryCodeTwoChar From [Country] Order By CountryName ) TBL Where CountryCodeTwoChar = N'PS'
But I have the following Error from SQL Server:
The ORDER BY clause is invalid in views, inline functions, derived tables, subqueries, and common table expressions, unless TOP or FOR XML is also specified.
I know it gave the error for the Statement:
Select CountryCodeTwoChar From [Country] Order By CountryName
But that is auto-generated by the system so I cannot change it!
How to re-write the statement keeping the statement there (Select CountryCodeTwoChar From [Country] Order By CountryName)?
I Tried the following, is that good?
declare @userData TABLE( CountryCodeTwoChar varchar(30) NOT NULL ) Insert into @userData Select CountryCodeTwoChar From [Country] Order By CountryName Select CountryCodeTwoChar FROM @userData Where CountryCodeTwoChar = N'PS'
How to re-write the statement keeping the statement there (Select CountryCodeTwoChar From [Country] Order By CountryName)?
This will not be possible. There is NO WAY you can use that exact statement in a derived table. If you can’t change it, you’re out of luck.
If you are able to write multiple statements for a solution, so long as you use the exact statement above, then you can use that statement to populate a table variable, and then select from the table variable with your WHERE clause.