I have a many to many relationship between Article and Topic. I need to get all articles related to some topics and order them by the intersection between the given set of topics and the topics of a given article. The articles that have more topics in common with the given set of topics should be returned first.
@Table(name = "articles")
data class Article(
@Id val url: String,
) {
@ManyToMany(cascade = [CascadeType.ALL])
name = "articles_topics",
joinColumns = [JoinColumn(name = "article_id")],
inverseJoinColumns = [JoinColumn(name = "topic_id")],
val topics: MutableSet<Topic> = HashSet()
fun addTopic(topic: Topic) {
@Table(name = "topics")
data class Topic(
@Id val label: String,
) {
@ManyToMany(mappedBy = "topics")
val articles: MutableSet<Article> = HashSet()
So far I can retrieve the articles related to a given list of topics. But I don’t know how to achieve the ordering part. Where the articles with the most topics in common with the given set of topics go first.
interface ArticleRepository : JpaRepository<Article, String> {
@Query("SELECT DISTINCT a FROM Article a JOIN a.topics t WHERE t IN :topics")
fun findAllByTopics(@Param("topics") topics: Set<Topic>): List<Article>
Some pseudo SQL code of what I’m thinking would be:
ORDER BY array_length(array_intersection(a.topics, :topics))
In kotlin code it would be:
val sorted = articles.sortedBy { it.topics.intersect(topics).size }
I finally got it. It wasn’t too difficult after all.
@Query("SELECT DISTINCT(a), COUNT(t) FROM Article a INNER JOIN a.topics t " +
fun findAllByTopics(@Param("topics") topics: Set<Topic>): List<Article>
Just in case you want to test this:
class ArticleRepositoryTest {
lateinit var repository: ArticleRepository
lateinit var topicRepository: TopicRepository
fun `When finding articles by topics returns list of articles ordered by count of topics in given set`() {
val topics = topicRepository.findAllById(
setOf("System Design", "Networking", "Programming", "Computer Science")
val articles = repository.findAllByTopics(topics)
articles.size shouldBeEqualTo 4
articles[0].url shouldBeEqualTo "https://stanete.com/system-design-101"
articles[1].url shouldBeEqualTo "https://stanete.com/system-design-103"
articles[2].url shouldBeEqualTo "https://stanete.com/system-design-104"
articles[3].url shouldBeEqualTo "https://stanete.com/system-design-102"
private fun setUpArticlesWithTopics(): List<Article> = repository.saveAll(listOf(
Article(url = "https://stanete.com/system-design-101").apply {
addTopic(Topic(label = "System Design"))
addTopic(Topic(label = "Networking"))
addTopic(Topic(label = "Programming"))
addTopic(Topic(label = "Computer Science"))
Article(url = "https://stanete.com/system-design-102").apply {
// Article with a lot of topics that other articles don't have.
addTopic(Topic(label = "Programming"))
addTopic(Topic(label = "Engineering"))
addTopic(Topic(label = "Architecture"))
addTopic(Topic(label = "Computer Systems"))
addTopic(Topic(label = "Software"))
Article(url = "https://stanete.com/system-design-103").apply {
addTopic(Topic(label = "System Design"))
addTopic(Topic(label = "Networking"))
addTopic(Topic(label = "Engineering"))
addTopic(Topic(label = "Computer Science"))
Article(url = "https://stanete.com/system-design-104").apply {
addTopic(Topic(label = "System Design"))
addTopic(Topic(label = "Networking"))
addTopic(Topic(label = "Engineering"))