My query is
sql = "SELECT pmmr.REQUEST_NO , pmel.event_datetime Event_Datetime,Pmmr.Form_No Form_No, nvl(Pmf.Form_Name, Pmmr.Form_No) formName, pmmr.MRN, nvl (p.FIRST_NAME || DECODE(p.FAMILY_NAME, NULL, '', ' ' || p.FAMILY_NAME),pmmr.MRN) PATIENT_NAME,pmmr.ASSIGNED_TO," +" pmmr.DRUG_GENERIC_NAME,pmmr.LAST_STATUS, nvl(initcap(( hr1.FIRST_NAME || ' ' || hr1.LAST_NAME)),pmmr.LAST_PERFORMER_ID) LastActionBy," +" nvl(hr2.DEPARTMENT || ' - ' || hr2.SECTION_NAME,'') ORGANIZATION_UNIT, nvl(initcap(( hr2.FIRST_NAME || ' ' || hr2.LAST_NAME)),pmmr.REQUESTER_ID) RequesterName, pmmr.REQUEST_DATE," +" pmmr.item_cost" +" FROM PHRM_MFRP_MEDICATION_REQUEST pmmr" +" join PHRM_MFRP_EVENT_LOG pmel on pmmr.REQUEST_NO = pmel.REQUEST_NO" +" left outer join Hr_Employee hr1 on Pmmr.Last_Performer_Id = Hr1.Employee_Number" +" left outer join Hr_Employee hr2 on Pmmr.Requester_Id = Hr2.Employee_Number" +" left outer join EAPPTMT.PATIENT p on Pmmr.Mrn = P.Mrn" +" left outer join Phrm_Mfrp_Form pmf on Pmmr.Form_No = Pmf.Form_No"; if (status.equals("Pending")){ } else if(status.equals("Approved")){ sql += " WHERE pmmr.BRANCH_ID = ? AND pmel.EVENT_STATUS IN ('Pharmacy Director Approved')" +" and Pmmr.Form_No = 1"; sql +=" and pmel.event_datetime >= (?,'dd/MM/yyyy') and pmel.event_datetime <= (?,'dd/MM/yyyy')"; sql+=" order by LAST_STATUS, EVENT_DATETIME DESC "; } else if(status.equals("Disapproved")){ sql += " WHERE pmmr.BRANCH_ID = ? AND pmel.EVENT_STATUS IN ('Pharmacy Director Disapproved')" + "and Pmmr.Form_No = 1"; sql +=" and pmel.event_datetime >= (?,'dd/MM/yyyy') and pmel.event_datetime <= (?,'dd/MM/yyyy')"; sql+=" order by LAST_STATUS, EVENT_DATETIME DESC ";} stmt = Con.prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setString(2, startDate); stmt.setString(3, endDate); //tmt.setString(3, status); stmt.setInt(1, branchId); rs = stmt.executeQuery();
I get the error java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-01797: this operator must be followed by ANY or ALL whenever i run it,
What does it mean and how can I fix it ?
Your code is very messy and should be cleaned up. When asking the questions here you usually should create a MRE in which the concrete problem is highlighed, instead of pasting your whole code base here and letting us find your bugs.
Anyways since I got interested on this I spent a moment of googling and found your question already answered here.
It says the ORA-01797 is related to the query missing the to_date()
From looking at your code I can see several places where it’s missing like the following one:
sql +=" and pmel.event_datetime >= /*to_date missing here!*/ (?,'dd/MM/yyyy') and pmel.event_datetime <= /*to_date missing here!*/ (?,'dd/MM/yyyy')";
Try to fix it and then it should work. Hope it’ll help you