I have a script similar to below and get:
Could not find server ‘@CURSERVER’ in sys.servers. Verify that the correct server name was specified. If necessary, execute the stored procedure sp_addlinkedserver to add the server to sys.servers.
I am trying to get SQL Server Agent jobs from all linked servers. I don’t think there is a problem with my linked servers but can I not have the server name as a variable?
-- Declare your array table variable DECLARE @SERVERS table (serverName nvarchar(50), ARRAYINDEX int identity(1,1) ) -- Add values to your array table, these are the values which you need to look for in your database INSERT INTO @SERVERS (serverName) VALUES ('server1'), ('server2'), ('server3') DECLARE @INDEXVAR INT = 1 DECLARE @TOTALCOUNT int DECLARE @CURSERVER nvarchar (50) SELECT @TOTALCOUNT= COUNT(*) FROM @SERVERS WHILE @INDEXVAR < @TOTALCOUNT BEGIN -- Get value of current indexed server SELECT @CURSERVER = serverName from @SERVERS where ARRAYINDEX = @INDEXVAR -- Get details of jobs on the server BEGIN SELECT * FROM [@CURSERVER].[msdb].[dbo].[sysjobs] SET @INDEXVAR += 1 END END
You cannot use a variable as a identifier (server name, database name, table name, etc.). Instead, construct a dynamic SQL statement and execute.
Below is an example including corrections and improvements to your original script.
DECLARE @SERVERS table (serverName nvarchar(50), ARRAYINDEX int identity(1,1) ) -- Add values to your array table, these are the values which you need to look for in your database INSERT INTO @SERVERS (serverName) VALUES ('server1'), ('server2'), ('server3'); DECLARE @TOTALCOUNT int = @@ROWCOUNT; DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(MAX); DECLARE @INDEXVAR INT = 1; DECLARE @CURSERVER sysname WHILE @INDEXVAR <= @TOTALCOUNT BEGIN -- Get value of current indexed server SELECT @CURSERVER = serverName from @SERVERS where ARRAYINDEX = @INDEXVAR; -- Get details of jobs on the server BEGIN SET @SQL = N'SELECT * FROM ' + QUOTENAME(@CURSERVER) + N'.[msdb].[dbo].[sysjobs];'; --PRINT @SQL; EXEC sp_executesql @SQL; SET @INDEXVAR += 1; END; END;