I’m having bit of issue with joins here: Tasking is to select Item code, Item name and Concat together that items prerequisites item code and name together.
I can get the select to work to show item code, item name correctly and the prerequisite code in the concat, but not the name of it. What’s causing the pre-requisite item name to remain wrong here? Query response I’m looking for should come as this:
item_code, item_name, prereq A126 , Muffin , A1 Flour
But what i’m getting is this: (it’s supposed to be using the Prerequisite ingredient_code (correct in concat) to find the name corresponding to it from Item.Item_name, but it’s matching up as wrong name)
item_code, item_name, prereq A126 , Muffin , A1 Muffin
Code I’m using:
SELECT Item.item_code, Item.item_name, CONCAT(Prerequisite.ingredient_code, ' ', Item.item_name) AS "prereq" FROM Item JOIN Prerequisite ON (Item.item_code = Prerequisite.item_code) WHERE Item.item_code ='A126'
You want a second join
for the prerequisite item. Without sample data it is hard to be sure which columns line up, but I thin you want:
SELECT i.item_code, i.item_name, CONCAT(p.ingredient_code, ' ', ip.item_name) AS "prereq" FROM Item i JOIN Prerequisite p ON i.item_code = p.item_code JOIN Item ip ON ip.item_code = p.ingredient_code -- guess as to the name WHERE i.item_code ='A126'