I have a query that joins two tables together. In table O I have an employee ID, which I join to the HR table to retrieve the employee name:
inner join hr AS hr on o.syscreator = hr.res_id
Also on the HR table is the employees manager, but the value is only the employee ID of the manager. Therefore to retrieve the full name of the manager, would I need to use a self join? I could only find examples of self join using the FROM table, in this case it’s the join table.
select o.ordernr, o.refer, o.orddat, o.afldat, o.magcode, o.user_id, o.status, o.represent_id, o.crdnr, o.ord_debtor_name, o.ord_AddressLine1, ord_PostCode, ord_City, ord_StateCode, o.ord_landcode, o.ord_Phone, o.ord_contactperson, o.ord_contactemail, o.syscreated, h.fullname AS RepName, h.repto_id AS ManagerID from order o inner join humres AS hr on o.syscreator = hr.res_id
Any help would be appreciated.
You can sure bring the same table twice – you just need to use a different alias.
I think that you want:
select o.ordernr, ..., h.fullname AS RepName, h.repto_id AS ManagerID, hr_mgr.fullname as MgrName from order o inner join humres AS hr on o.syscreator = hr.res_id inner join humres AS hr_mgr on hr_mgr.res_id = hr.repto_id