I have problem in my query that I always get this kind of error
ORA-01722: invalid number
Whatever I try to doesn’t work. The query is here
SELECT * FROM ( SELECT p.ProjectID, p.CustomName, p.Name FROM projects p INNER JOIN users u ON u.UserID = 1 WHERE u.User_roleID = 1 UNION SELECT p.ProjectID, p.CustomName, p.Name FROM projects p WHERE (p.Responsible_person_id = 1 OR p.Delivery_contact = 1) AND (SYSTIMESTAMP BETWEEN TO_DATE(p.StartDate,'YYYY-MON-DD') AND TO_DATE(p.EndDate,'YYYY-MON-DD')) AND p.status = 2 UNION SELECT rs.ProjectID, pr.CustomName, pr.Name FROM responsible_persons rs LEFT JOIN projects pr ON pr.ProjectID = rs.ProjectID WHERE rs.UserID = 1 AND (SYSTIMESTAMP BETWEEN TO_DATE(pr.StartDate,'YYYY-MON-DD') AND TO_DATE(pr.EndDate,'YYYY-MON-DD')) AND pr.status = 2 UNION SELECT p.ProjectID, p.CustomName, p.Name FROM project_users_schedule_dates pusd LEFT JOIN projects p ON p.ProjectID = pusd.ProjectID WHERE pusd.UserID = 1 AND (SYSTIMESTAMP BETWEEN TO_DATE(pusd.StartDate,'YYYY-MON-DD') AND TO_DATE(pusd.EndDate, 'YYYY-MON-DD')) AND p.status = 2) a -- GROUP BY a.ProjectID ORDER BY a.CustomName, a.ProjectID
Since here StartDate
and EndDate
I need to convert to_date but I have no idea what is wrong that I always get error.
The format which I store date is 'YYYY-MM-DD'
Where I made mistake ? What is wrong here ?
Responsible_person_id VARCHAR and Delivery_contact also VARCHAR
Then compare them with strings, not with numbers.
(p.Responsible_person_id = '1' OR p.Delivery_contact = '1')
If you compare them to numbers, Oracle tries to convert the column values to a number and the error indicates that not all values in at least one of those columns are proper numbers.
If they are supposed to contain numbers, they should be defined with the NUMBER