I have a .csv file, called File1 that I would like insert into my already existing table, called Table1 within SQL Server. The .csv file has the following structure and values:
ID Location Name Date 2 New York Sally 20191010 3 California Ben 20191110
My table within SQL server has the same structure:
ID Location Name Date 1 Houston Kelly 20200810
I wish for output to look like the value below, I wish for the date to be in order as well.
ID Location Name Date 1 Houston Kelly 20200810 2 New York Sally 20191010 3 California Ben 20191110
I am doing this:
INSERT INTO dbo.Table1(Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB12.0; Database = 'Data', 'SELECT * FROM OpenRowSet' Dir = C:downloads, 'SELECT * FROM File1.csv')
I am still researching to see what it is I am doing wrong with the above command. Any suggestion is appreciated
hope this helps:
BULK INSERT Table_1 FROM 'C:Folderfile.csv' WITH ( FIELDTERMINATOR = ',', --CSV field delimiter ROWTERMINATOR = '0x0a', --Use to shift the control to next row FORMAT = 'CSV' )