I want create a CTE or something that subtract a know value from a sum()
of value.
How can I solve this, I tried to use LAG()
on my CTE but it faulted when my value is negative.
This is what I tried to do:
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #table; CREATE table #table ( PR Varchar(50), Rata int , Plafond int ) insert into #table select 'PR1',3,10 Union SELECT 'PR1',4,10 Union SELECT 'PR1',6,10 Union SELECT 'PR1',5,10 Union SELECT 'PR2',5,10 ;WITH cte as ( select PR ,Plafond ,RATA ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION by PR ORDER BY PR) as cont from #table ) SELECT * , Plafond - SUM (Rata) OVER ( partition by PR,cont order by PR) AS result FROM cte
This is the result of the query
PR Plafond RATA cont result PR1 10 3 1 7 PR1 10 4 2 6 PR1 10 5 3 5 PR1 10 6 4 4 PR2 10 5 1 5
And this is what I expect from the logic of the query but it isn’t the final result that I want:
PR Plafond RATA cont Result PR1 10 3 1 7 PR1 10 4 2 3 PR1 10 5 3 -2 PR1 10 6 4 -8 PR2 10 5 1 5
And this is (the final results) what I expecting to get out apply a WHERE clause or something, that transform the “Rata” when my “Result” is negative. The new value of “Rata” become the difference between the last “Result” and Zero value, in this case the value of “Rata”=5 (cont=3) become 3. The difference between residue “Result” and “Rata” make the new “Result” 0.
PR Plafond RATA cont Result PR1 10 3 1 7 PR1 10 4 2 3 PR1 10 3 3 0 PR1 10 0 4 0 PR2 10 5 1 5
Just a guess…
;WITH cte as ( select PR ,Plafond ,RATA ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION by PR ORDER BY PR) as cont from #table ) SELECT * , case when Plafond - SUM (Rata) OVER ( partition by PR order by CONT) < 0 then 0 else Plafond - SUM (Rata) OVER ( partition by PR order by CONT) end AS result , case when Plafond - SUM (Rata) OVER ( partition by PR order by CONT) >= 0 then rata else iif (rata > abs(Plafond - SUM (Rata) OVER ( partition by PR order by CONT)), rata-abs(Plafond - SUM (Rata) OVER ( partition by PR order by CONT)), 0) --case when rata > abs(Plafond - SUM (Rata) OVER ( partition by PR order by CONT)) then rata-abs(Plafond - SUM (Rata) OVER ( partition by PR order by CONT)) --else 0 --end end as ratanew FROM cte; ;WITH cte as ( select PR ,Plafond ,RATA ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION by PR ORDER BY PR) as cont from #table ) SELECT * , case when Plafond - SUM (Rata) OVER ( partition by PR order by CONT) < 0 then 0 else Plafond - SUM (Rata) OVER ( partition by PR order by CONT) end AS result FROM cte;