i’ve launched this query on sql developer without error.
insert into COMUNICAZIONI_TEMPLATE (ID, DESCRIZIONE, TESTO_TEMPLATE) values (3, 'TEMPLATE EMAIL NUOVO DOCUMENTO', 'Gentile <strong>$nome $cognome</strong>, <br> Document list: <br> #foreach($doc in $listaDocumentiAssociatiATaleCf) <strong>$doc.getNomeDocumento()</strong> relativo/a al contratto <strong>$doc.getNomeProdotto() </strong>, polizza numero <strong>$doc.getNumeroPolizza() </strong> <br> #end <br>');
But when i launch it with sqlplus i’ve the following errors:
SP2-0734: unknown command beginning “foreach($d…” – rest of line ignored.
SP2-0042: unknown command “end” – rest of line ignored.
There is a way to ignore special character ‘#’ inside the string?
This is what you have now:
SQL> select * from comunicazioni_template; no rows selected SQL> insert into 2 COMUNICAZIONI_TEMPLATE (ID, DESCRIZIONE, TESTO_TEMPLATE) 3 values 4 (3, 'TEMPLATE EMAIL NUOVO DOCUMENTO', 'Gentile <strong>$nome $cognome</strong>, <br> 5 Document list: 6 <br> 7 #foreach($doc in $listaDocumentiAssociatiATaleCf) SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "foreach($d..." - rest of line ignored. 7 <strong>$doc.getNomeDocumento()</strong> relativo/a al contratto <strong>$doc.getNomeProdotto() </strong>, polizza numero <strong>$doc.getNumeroPolizza() </strong> <br> 8 #end SP2-0042: unknown command "end" - rest of line ignored. 8 <br>'); 1 row created. SQL> select length(testo_template) from comunicazioni_template; LENGTH(TESTO_TEMPLATE) ---------------------- 240
Row actually is inserted, but with errors.
Why is that so? Because you hit the SQLPREFIX issue.
Sets the SQL*Plus prefix character. While you are entering a SQL command or PL/SQL block, you can enter a SQL*Plus command on a separate line, prefixed by the SQL*Plus prefix character. SQL*Plus will execute the command immediately without affecting the SQL command or PL/SQL block that you are entering. The prefix character must be a non-alphanumeric character.
By default, hash #
character. So, change it to something different (what you don’t have in a value you’re inserting, e.g. !
) and then repeat the action:
SQL> rollback; Rollback complete. SQL> set sqlprefix "!" SQL> insert into 2 COMUNICAZIONI_TEMPLATE (ID, DESCRIZIONE, TESTO_TEMPLATE) 3 values 4 (3, 'TEMPLATE EMAIL NUOVO DOCUMENTO', 'Gentile <strong>$nome $cognome</strong>, <br> 5 Document list: 6 <br> 7 #foreach($doc in $listaDocumentiAssociatiATaleCf) 8 <strong>$doc.getNomeDocumento()</strong> relativo/a al contratto <strong>$doc.getNomeProdotto() </strong>, polizza numero <strong>$doc.getNumeroPolizza() </strong> <br> 9 #end 10 <br>'); 1 row created. SQL> select length(testo_template) from comunicazioni_template; LENGTH(TESTO_TEMPLATE) ---------------------- 295 SQL>
Right; no more errors, length is now as it should be (295 characters).