I want to create a function, which checks the age from by the entry a record. if the age is older than 18, then save the record. If not, don’t save the record.
create function f_Over18 (@age date) returns char (20) as begin --declare @returnOne int declare @date int set @date= year(getdate()) - year(@age) if (@date > 17) begin print ('Age verified') --this is only an example but i want, that safes the record end else begin print ('Age not verified') end; end;
Thanks a lot for your kind help.
The question really is about how to compute an age from a date of birth in SQL Server. It is not that easy, since there is no built-in for that, and because functions such as datediff()
cannot really give an accurate results (or at least not without many convolutions).
A simple and efficient method is to convert the date of birth and the current date to format YYYYMMDD
, turn that to a string, then use simple arithmetics, like so:
(convert(int, convert(char(8), getdate(), 112)) - convert(char(8), @dob, 112)) / 10000
In your function:
create function f_Over18 (@dob date) returns nvarchar (20) as begin declare @age int; declare @res nvarchar(20); set @age= (convert(int, convert(char(8), getdate(), 112)) - convert(char(8), @dob, 112)) / 10000; if (@age > 17) begin set @res = 'Age verified'; end else begin set @res = 'Age not verified'; end; return concat(@res, ': ', @age); end;
I slightly modified the original code so it compiles properly, and returns the computed date as well (which makes it easy to debug).
Now we can test:
dob | res :--------- | :------------------- 2000-01-01 | Age verified: 20 2002-06-11 | Age verified: 18 2002-06-13 | Age not verified: 17 2010-01-01 | Age not verified: 10