New to MySQL, need help in translating the next query to MySQL
If exists (select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where table_name= 'MyTable' and column_name = 'MyColumn') begin update MyTable set MyColumn='' where Code=21 end;
Based on the comments posted on your question, here is a code snippet that should answer your need. It works by first checking if the column exists in INFORMATION_SCHEMA
, and then dynamically building a SQL query that is prepared, then executed. It the column does not exists, a dummy query is executed instead of the UPDATE
. I tested it in this db fiddlde.
SET @dbname = DATABASE(); SET @tablename = "my_table"; SET @columnname = "my_column"; -- check if the column exists SELECT COUNT(*) INTO @cnt FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE (table_name = @tablename) AND (table_schema = @dbname) AND (column_name = @columnname) ; -- build a dynamic SQL statement SET @preparedStatement = (SELECT IF( @cnt > 0, CONCAT("UPDATE ", @tablename, " SET ", @columnname, " = '' WHERE my_code = 21;"), "SELECT 1" )); -- run the statement PREPARE updateIfExists FROM @preparedStatement; EXECUTE updateIfExists; DEALLOCATE PREPARE updateIfExists;