Check the following input/output examples:
- Input:
-> Expected output:"Nag"ndra"
- Input:
-> Expected output'N'agendra
I tried the below query to implement that behavior, which is able to remove the starting and ending quotes.
select regexp_replace('""Nag"endra""','^["']|["']$','') from dual
for second example it is given as N'agendra
it should be 'N'agendra
If you want to keep the starting ‘ then don’t use it in the regex. This works for me:
select regexp_replace('""Nag"endra""','^["]|["']$',''); -- "Nag"endra"
select regexp_replace(''N'agendra','^["]|["']$',''); -- 'N'agendra
Observe I removed the ‘ from ^[“‘].