We have below table contains multiple code against the ID and CounterID. Need an output based on code and id.
Condition: Against the ID and CounterID
case 1 : if there is code CI and CO then no record
case 2 : if there is code CI and CO and CI then last record with code CI
case 3 : if there is code CI then last CI
Thanks Rahul
You can use the analytical function as follows:
select t.* from (select t.*, row_number() over (partition by sno order by date desc) as rn, count(case when code = 'CI' then 1 end) over (partition by sno) as cicount, count(case when code = 'CO' then 1 end) over (partition by sno) as cocount from your_table t) t where ( (cocount = 0) or not (cicount = 1 and cocount = 1) or (cocount > cicount )) and rn = 1