I need to group by year and month from a timestamp, structured as yyyyMMddHHmmss 20170227141500 (Google’s bigquery gkg table). I need to count the year monthly records. Data type is integer. timestamp is the column name. In fact, I need to gruop by first 6 digits of the timestamp. yearmonth is my group name, not included in the table.
SELECT count(GKGRECORDID), themes, yearmonth FROM `gdelt-bq.gdeltv2.gkg` CONCAT(yearmonth( timestamp)) group by GKGRECORDID, themes, yearmonth
It is a number so you cannot use date/time functionality. You can convert to a string and take the leftmost 6 characters:
SELECT themes, left(cast(timestamp as string), 6) as yearmonth, count(GKGRECORDID) FROM `gdelt-bq.gdeltv2.gkg` GROUP BY themes, yearmonth;
You should fix the data to store date/time values as either datetime
s or timestamp