I am so close to answering this question, but can’t figure out the final bits. I am using the AdventureWorks2019 database.
My code is:
with cte as ( Select year(orderdate) as "Years", month(orderdate) as "Months", sum(SubTotal) as "MonthlySales", datepart(m, orderdate) as "MonthNumber" from sales.SalesOrderHeader group by year(orderdate), month(orderdate) ) select Years, Months, MonthlySales as "MonthlySales", sum(MonthlySales) over (partition by months order by MonthlySales rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as "Cumulative" from cte group by Years, Months, MonthlySales ORDER by Years, Months
I cant figure out how to order the ‘over’ part of the query. I know it needs to be “rows between unbounded preceding and current row”, but because MonthlySales is sum(totaldue), adding it to another SUM() probably messes it up.
Honestly this question is pretty tough, and I gave it my best. Thank you for your help!
Please check and it’ll return desired output.
-- SQL SERVER SELECT t.OrderYear , CASE WHEN t.OrderMonth IS NULL THEN 'Grand Total' ELSE CAST(t.OrderMonth AS VARCHAR(20)) END b , t.MonthlySales , MAX(t.cum_total) cum_total FROM (SELECT YEAR(OrderDate) AS OrderYear, MONTH(OrderDate) AS OrderMonth, SUM(SubTotal) AS MonthlySales, SUM(SUM(SubTotal)) OVER (ORDER BY YEAR(OrderDate), MONTH(OrderDate) ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) cum_total FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((YEAR(OrderDate), MONTH(OrderDate)))) t GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((t.OrderYear , t.OrderMonth , t.MonthlySales), t.OrderYear);
Also Check data from https://dbfiddle.uk/?rdbms=sqlserver_2019&sample=adventureworks&fiddle=e6cd2ba8114bd1d86b8c61b1453cafcf