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I didn’t true use order by in linq

Hi i develop web app with c#. I have sql query and i convert to linq but it’s not working true because of order by

My sql query

Select TOP 3 HastalikIsmi From Hastaliklar group by HastalikIsmi order by Count(*) desc

My linq

public List<HastalikDto> GetHastalikDto()
        using (SirketDBContext context = new SirketDBContext())
            var result = from hastalik in context.Hastaliklar                            
                         group hastalik by hastalik.HastalikIsmi into isim
                         select new HastalikDto { HastalikIsmi = isim.Key };                         

            return result.OrderBy(h => h.HastalikIsmi).Take(3).ToList();



Here’s how you can do the order by on the count of each group and take the 3 with the highest count.

var result = context.Hastaliklar
    .GroupBy(x => x.HastalikIsmi)
    .OrderByDescending(grp => grp.Count())
    .Select(grp => grp.Key)
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