Hi hi I have a Nodejs server and I am using PostgreSQL, the bottom part of my database. How can I select data and represent it like this (in one sql query):
{lessons: ['lesson1','lesson2'], tests: [{quest:'quest_name',options:['opt1','opt2']}]}
I wrote a request but it is far from what I need:
SELECT tests.id,
ARRAY_AGG(quests.question) AS questions,
ARRAY_AGG(options.option) AS quest_options
FROM tests
LEFT JOIN quests ON tests.id = quests.test_id
LEFT JOIN options ON quests.id = options.quest_id
WHERE tests.course_id = '${courseId}'
GROUP BY tests.id
You can use a cte
to first build the question JSON data, and then aggregate the latter with the lessons:
with tests(q, o) as (
select q.question, json_agg(o.option)
from tests t join quests q on t.id = q.test_id join options o on q.id = o.quest_id
where t.course_id = '${courseId}'
group by q.question
select json_build_object('lesson',
(select json_agg(l.lesson_text) from lessons l where l.course_id = '${courseId}'),
(select json_agg(json_build_object('quest', t.q, 'options', t.o)) from tests t)