Here are the two tables(animal_weight and zoo_directory):
I am confused on how to retrieve the 2nd heaviest animal from each zoo. I was thinking using the MAX function or a subquery but I am not entirely sure. Here is the query I got so far:
SELECT zoo_directory.zoo_ID AS 'zoo_ID', zoo_name, weight_lbs FROM animal_weights INNER JOIN zoo_directory ON animal_weights.zoo_ID = zoo_directory.zoo_ID ORDER BY zoo_name ASC;
which returns this:
We can use dense_rank
window function to give a rank with weight and per zoo and then filter it out the second highest.
select zoo_id,zoo_name,weight_lbs from ( select z.zoo_id as 'zoo_ID' ,zoo_name ,weight_lbs ,dense_rank() over (partition by z.zoo_id order by weight_lbs desc) rnk from animal_weights a inner join zoo_directory z on a.zoo_id = z.zoo_id ) where rnk = 2;