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How to write advance complex SQL Query for below data? [closed]

How to write a complex SQL Query?

Below information is the old data of users working on different services with service status and last change date on particular Service_Area and Service_Sector. All users are working on multiple services where some of the services are still active for a particular Service_Area and Service_Sector.

Requirements in words:

I require to select all columns when the Service of the user is inactive and only record on that particular Service_Area and Service_Sector of that user.

As earlier mentioned that a user can have multiple services on a Service_Area and Service_Sector combined. In case if there are more than one services on Service_Area and Service_Sector for the user, then we need to select the record that was last changed if all the services are inactive (I mean, when there is a record in between whose service status is active, then we cant select any user data from that Service_Area and Service_Sector of that user).


Case 1: When there are 5-services, all of them are inactive then, we need to select the last changed record.

Case 2: When there is at least one service with active status among 5-services then, we cant select that user data from that particular Service_Area and Service_Sector of that user.

Case 3 When there is only one service on that Service_Area and Service_Sector of that user, it’s inactive then, the record will also get selected.

About Table:

Location_Code, User_Id, Service_Area, Service_Sector, Service will always make a unique combination. And there may be many services on this combination Location_Code, User_Id, Service_Area, Service_Sector.

Please find the sample table below with the result table (display expected output).

Sample Table:

Loc_Code User_Id Service_Area Service_Sector Service Status Last_Changed
101 1001 C 1 PAINT INACTIVE 11/28/2020
101 1002 A 1 WOOD INACTIVE 12/7/2020
101 1002 A 1 CLEANING ACTIVE 11/23/2020
101 1002 A 1 PEST INACTIVE 12/7/2020
101 1002 A 2 LIGHT INACTIVE 12/7/2020 `
101 1002 B 2 AC INACTIVE 11/28/2020
101 1002 B 2 HEATER INACTIVE 11/30/2020

Result Table:

Total 3-records are selected.

  1. The first record is selected as the user was working on a single inactive service on a particular Service_Area and Service_Sector.
  2. The second record is selected because Location_Code, User_Id, Service_Area, Service_Sector combination has only one service on it, which is inactive.
  3. The third record selected because Location_Code, User_Id, Service_Area, Service_Sector combination list 2-inactive services, selected the service which was last changed.
Loc_Code User_Id Service_Area Service_Sector Service Status Last_Changed
101 1001 c 1 PAINT INACTIVE 11/28/2020
101 1002 A 2 LIGHT INACTIVE 12/7/2020
101 1002 B 2 HEATER INACTIVE 11/30/2020




WITH cte AS ( SELECT *, 
                     !SUM(status != 'INACTIVE') OVER (PARTITION BY loc_code, user_id, service_area, service_sector) only_inactive,
                     ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY loc_code, user_id, service_area, service_sector ORDER BY last_changed DESC) rn
              FROM test )
FROM cte
WHERE only_inactive
  AND rn = 1


how this query is working?

WITH is a clause which creates… think that this is a subquery.

What I do in it? I calculate 2 additional columns. Both uses window functions – it is similar to aggregate function, but with its own grouping and ordering.

First summarises the result of checking does a column not contain specified value. For 'INACTIVE' the checking result is FALSE which is treated as zero, for all another it is TRUE and 1 respectively. So if none 'INACTIVE' in this group the sum is zero, and above zero if at least one another value meet. NOT inverts this result.

Second enumerates rows in a group by specified ordering.

In outer query I simply select rows which have non-zero checking result (i.e. the rows from groups which have no another statuses than ‘INACTIVE’), and from these rows only the row which number is 1 (taking into account the ordering – the most recent row).

That’s all.

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