I have a file named data.json. The structure is like this:
{ "PrimKey1": { "layout": "normal", "col1": "PrimKey1", "__colll2__": "sometext", "col3": 9, "OTHERCOLUMN":"dontneedthis", "col4": ["texxt"] }, ... , {"PrimKey500": { "layout": "normal", "col1": "PrimKey500", "col2": "someothertext", "col3": 1, "col4": ["texxtagain"] }}
The data is loaded into table a_json with:
CREATE TABLE a_json ( data json ); copy a_json FROM 'mypath/data.json/';
Since the table is not in the expected format, I create a new table named b.
CREATE TABLE b ( col1 text PRIMARY KEY, col2 text, col3 numeric, col4 text );
where the columns are named after the columns that I need from data.json.
Now, I want to insert everything from table a_json into b. I tried
INSERT INTO b SELECT * from a_json json_each(data);
and got
ERROR: index row requires 1945656 bytes, maximum size is 8191
You can just use json_each()
and json accessors for this:
insert into b(col1, col2, col3, col4) select j.v ->> 'col1', j.v ->> 'col2', (j.v ->> 'col3')::numeric, j.v ->> 'col4' from a_json a cross join lateral json_each(a.data) j(k, v)
col1 | col2 | col3 | col4 :--------- | :------------ | ---: | :------------- PrimKey1 | sometext | 9 | ["texxt"] PrimKey500 | someothertext | 1 | ["texxtagain"]