ID | Day | ftfm_profile
23 | 22/10/2020 | {"name": ["EGMHTMA", "EGMHCR", "EDYYFOX2", "EGTTFIR", "EGTTEI"],"type": ["AUA", "ES", "ES", "FIR"]}
24 | 22/10/2020 | {"name": ["LFBBRL1", "LFBMC2", "LFBBTT6", "LFTTN8", "EGTTEI"],"type": ["AUA", "ES", "ES", "FIR"]}
25 | 22/10/2020 | {"name": ["LFBGTH4", "LFBMC2", "LFFFE7", "LFTTN8", "EGTTEI"],"type": ["AUA", "ES", "ES", "FIR"]}
I have a table (named profile) in my Postgres database, which has 3 columns: ID, Day, Ftfm_profile of type jsonb, I tried to extract the row where the profile name (ftfm_profile->'name'
) begins with ‘LFBB’ ( sql: LFBB%) using the wildcard as following:
select * from public.profile where ftfm_profile ->'name' ? 'LFBB%'
the expected result:
24 | 22/10/2020 | {"name": ["LFBBRL1", "LFBMC2", "LFBBTT6", "LFTTN8", "EGTTEI"],"type": ["AUA", "ES", "ES", "FIR"]}
I can’t seem to find the solution, thanks for your help
One option unnests the json arrray in an exists
select *
from public.profile
where exists (
select 1
from jsonb_array_elements_text(ftfm_profile ->'name') as e(name)
where e.name like 'LFBB%'