I’m using SQL Management Studio 2012. I’m getting a ‘Divide by zero error encountered’ error. I’m aware this requires the use of NULLIF but I’m unsure how to use it in my query.
This is my query
select Ward, LocalAuthority, Fiscal, DR, cast(DR*100.0 /SUM(DR) OVER ( partition by localauthority, fiscal order by fiscal asc) as Decimal (10,2)) as [DR%] from ( select Fiscal, LocalAuthority, Ward, sum(case when code = 'DR' then 1 else 0 end) as DR from [dbo].[Table] where datetimeofcall >= '2014-04-01' group by ward, localauthority,f fiscal ) as A
I’ve actually asked this question before which some kind person answered excellently but that was without the OVER() and SUM aggregate function, I’m getting in a muddle with the syntax. I’ve been trying various connotations of the below without success.
cast(DR*100.0 /NULLIF(SUM(DR,0),1) OVER(partition by localauthority,fiscal order by fiscal asc) as Decimal (10,2)) as [DR%]
Use Case Expression
to identify the 0 in prior
SELECT Ward, LocalAuthority, Fiscal, DR, CASE WHEN SUM(DR) OVER(PARTITION BY localauthority, fiscal ORDER BY fiscal asc) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE CAST(DR*100.0 / SUM(DR) OVER(PARTITION BY localauthority,fiscal ORDER BY fiscal) AS Decimal (10,2)) END AS [DR%] FROM ( SELECT Fiscal, LocalAuthority, Ward, SUM(CASE WHEN code = 'DR' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS DR FROM [dbo].[Table] WHERE datetimeofcall >='2014-04-01' GROUP BY ward, localauthority, fiscal ) AS A