I have a situation where I need to get DISTINCT values from column “note” and then get the SUM of “price” for above records.
I tried with different queries but none of them are working fine.
SELECT DISTINCT note ,price( select SUM (price) FROM [tableName] where Archived ='0'
SELECT sum(price),(SELECT DISTINCT note , price from [tableName] where Archived ='0')
In a nutshell I need to get the sum of prices for the distinct records.
Maxbe this will be one way to do it:
select distinct sum(price) over(partition by note), note
from tablename
where Archived = 0
If I have understood you correctly you need distinct note values and only one sum for all of them … then something like this:
select distinct note, (select sum(price) from tablename) sum_tot
from tablename
where Archived = 0
P.S. do add expected result….