I’m trying to find out how to use ANALYZE EXPLAIN on my PSQL query. If I add ANALYZE EXPLAIN SELECT, I get a syntax error. I have no clue how to use it.
I added the ANALYZE before the first and second SELECT, but both throw a syntax error.
I was unable to find different examples but on documentation, I should be able to do it on select or not.
The query
WITH statuses_flow AS ( SELECT c.id, c.study_id, c.site_id, s.type AS status_type, s.timestamp AS status_from, sa.type, row_number() OVER (ORDER BY s.candidate_id, s.timestamp) AS row_no FROM public.candidates c JOIN public.statuses s ON s.candidate_id = c.id JOIN public.statuses sa ON sa.candidate_id = c.id AND sa.id in( SELECT max(id) FROM public.statuses GROUP BY candidate_id) WHERE c.study_id in('RECOV') AND c.site_id in('PLACEHOLDER') --and c.id in ('TBX1-001600') AND sa.type != 'ANONYMISED' ORDER BY row_no ASC ) SELECT statuses_flow.id, statuses_flow.study_id AS "studyId", statuses_flow.site_id AS "siteId", statuses_flow.status_type AS "statusType", statuses_flow.status_from AS "statusFrom", next_status.status_from AS "statusTo", CASE WHEN next_status.status_from IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE ( SELECT created_at AS first_contact FROM public.activities WHERE candidate_id = statuses_flow.id AND TYPE in('PHONE', 'SMS', 'EMAIL') AND created_at BETWEEN statuses_flow.status_from AND next_status.status_from ORDER BY created_at FETCH FIRST 1 ROWS ONLY) END AS "first_contact" FROM statuses_flow LEFT JOIN statuses_flow next_status ON statuses_flow.id = next_status.id AND statuses_flow.row_no + 1 = next_status.row_no WHERE statuses_flow.status_type in('PENDING_SITE', 'PENDING_CALLCENTER', 'INCOMPLETE', 'REJECTED_CALLCENTER', 'REJECTED_SITE', 'CONSENTED') ORDER BY statuses_flow.id, statuses_flow.status_from
It’s explain (analyze)
(or explain analyze
) not “analyze explain”.
And this needs to go before the entire query, so before the WITH clause:
explain (analyze) WITH statuses_flow AS ( .... ) SELECT ...