I have a table with about 20 columns. It currently holds 8 million rows of data.
I need to update one NULL
column for all 8 million rows, it is a GUID
column and a FK
for another table column.
Currently, I am running simple update query in a loop. But it is taking way too long.
DO $$ BEGIN FOR counter IN 1..1000 LOOP UPDATE "Shops" SET "Country" = '410006e1-ca4e-4502-a9ec-e54d922d2c00' FROM (SELECT "Id" FROM "Shops" WHERE "Country" IS NULL LIMIT 1000) AS "part" WHERE "Shops"."Id" = "part"."Id"; COMMIT; RAISE NOTICE 'Counter: %', counter; END LOOP; END; $$
Updating 8 million rows should not take 6 hours. But it can take a long time. It is often faster to just repopulate the table:
create table temp_shops as select . . . , '410006e1-ca4e-4502-a9ec-e54d922d2c00' as country, . . . from shops where country is null;
Once you have tested this to be sure it does what you want, you can truncate the table and insert the values:
truncate table shops; -- be careful. This empties the table but you have a copy! insert into shops ( . . . ) select * from temp_shops;