In cleaning a set of data, I came across several entries where there are multiples of a street name such as:
Canal St & Monroe St
Canal St & Monroe St (*)
In total I have 25 street names that are misrecorded as the street name followed by (). I want to update all of the street names so that they are rewritten to drop the () and all read under the original street name. I can update like this:
UPDATE `Bikeshare_data.2019_bike_data`
SET from_station_name = 'Archer (Damen) Ave & 37th St'
WHERE from_station_name ='Archer (Damen) Ave & 37th St (*)'
and it works successfully, but I’d have to run 25 individual queries to do so. I’ll also have to do the same for the end station name. Is there a way I can combine this into one query to update them all at once?
You can do:
update `Bikeshare_data.2019_bike_data`
set from_station_name = replace(from_station_name, ' (*)', ''),
to_station_name = replace(to_station_name, ' (*)', ''),
where from_station_name like '% (*)' or
to_station_name like '% (*)';
Note: This assumes that ' (*)'
does not appear anywhere else in the names. That seems like a reasonable assumption.