I have a table with an ID and then a struct. I want to turn each element of the struct into a new row with the struct field name being a value in the column Period
and the value being the structures value. See table below
Query that generated the table:
Current data
I tried this:
SELECT * FROM `business-analytics-workbench.RAW.User_Activity` as UA
UNPIVOT(Activity FOR PERIOD in (Last_7_Days,Last_14_Days,Last_30_Days,Last_90_Days,First_Date_AEST,Last_Date_AEST))
But I get this error “Unrecognized name: Last_7_Days at [3:33]”
You cannot unpivot columns with different data types (in your example those are INT64 and DATE). So consider below approach
SELECT Document_ID, User_Activity.*
FROM `business-analytics-workbench.RAW.User_Activity` as UA
UNPIVOT(Activity FOR PERIOD in (Last_7_Days,Last_14_Days,Last_30_Days,Last_90_Days))
If applied to sample data in y our question output is