I have many tables with different table suffixes in BigQuery where each table has four level structs in each row. I made query to unnest it into flattening table.
SELECT report_date, tracker, source, countryCode, stageNum, bundleId, offer_name, places.name AS site_id, places.clicks, places.cost, places.p_leads_v2_ FROM ( SELECT report_date, tracker, source, countryCode, stageNum, bundleId, offer.name AS offer_name, offer.places FROM ( SELECT report_date, tracker, source, campaigns.countryCode, campaigns.stageNum, campaigns.bundleId, campaigns.offer FROM `dv3.tracker_recording.records_*` AS t, t.campaigns ) AS t1, t1.offer) AS t2, t2.places
It works correct but not very well because it is seems like too long. How can I make it simpler and more effective? Any suggestions. Thank you.
Did you try query similar to this?
SELECT report_date, tracker, source, c.countryCode, c.stageNum, c.bundleId, o.name as offer_name, p.name AS site_id, p.clicks, p.cost, p.p_leads_v2_ FROM `dv3.tracker_recording.records_*` as t, UNNEST(t.campaigns) as c, UNNEST(c.offer) as o, UNNEST(o.places) as p