I have an sql
query which check for existence of some records, if those records exist rise error for them otherwise insert them to database. In my query as I need to return error messages for every record, I need to select some custom texts, problem is that they are showing as separate tables, not in one table, which I want (as I am calling this query from nodejs app and it returns an array for me so it only returns first table (error message) for me).
I searched and reach these two options:
1- Use UNION
(which is not solving my case)
2- Insert all records in another table and then get all it’s record (which isn’t beautiful! 🙂 )
DECLARE @errorCOUNT int SET @errorCOUNT = 0 BEGIN TRANSACTION [Tran1] IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Categories WHERE CategoryName = 'myCat1') BEGIN SELECT 'This is error for is = 4' As err SET @errorCOUNT = @errorCOUNT + 1 END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO Categories VALUES ('myCat1') END ---------------------------- IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Categories WHERE CategoryName = 'myCat2') BEGIN SELECT 'This is error for is = 5' AS err SET @errorCOUNT = @errorCOUNT + 1 END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO Categories VALUES ('myCat2') END ---------------------------- IF @errorCOUNT > 0 BEGIN ROLLBACK TRANSACTION [Tran1] END ELSE BEGIN COMMIT TRANSACTION [Tran1] END
As I mentioned I want all these select
statements to be shown in one table so they return to my server as one array.
I just think it is good to mention that my query completes in a loop, so it may have different amount of IF...ELSE
(between ---
I hope I was clear. Thanks in advance.
Try this one, would work:
BEGIN TRANSACTION [Tran1] DECLARE @err AS TABLE ( msg NVARCHAR(MAX) NOT NULL ) DECLARE @errorCOUNT AS INT = 0 IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Categories WHERE CategoryName = 'myCat1') BEGIN INSERT INTO @err (msg) VALUES ('This is error for is = 4') SET @errorCOUNT = @errorCOUNT + 1 END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO Categories VALUES ('myCat1') END IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Categories WHERE CategoryName = 'myCat2') BEGIN INSERT INTO @err (msg) VALUES ('This is error for is = 5') SET @errorCOUNT = @errorCOUNT + 1 END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO Categories VALUES ('myCat2') END IF @errorCOUNT > 0 BEGIN SELECT * FROM @err ROLLBACK TRANSACTION [Tran1] END ELSE BEGIN COMMIT TRANSACTION [Tran1] END