I have below data set obtained after group by dept and loc.
dept id loc count
100 a 2
300 c 1
I need out put like below
deptid loc
100 a
100 a
300 c
please help
Another option is to use Recursive Queries
to get the desired result.
with cte(deptid, loc, cnt) as (select deptid, loc, cnt - 1 from dept union all select cte.deptid, cte.loc, cte.cnt - 1 from cte, dept where dept.deptid = cte.deptid and dept.loc = cte.loc and cte.cnt > 0) select deptid, loc from cte order by deptid, loc;
DB Fiddle Link: https://dbfiddle.uk/?rdbms=oracle_18&fiddle=0580680ecf0b47b4933e3a4731b62b4a