I have a table called ‘config’ and when I query it in following manner:
SELECT value FROM config WHERE property = 'SPECIAL_STORE_ID'
its response will be: 59216;131205;76707;167206
//... (1)
I want to tokenize the above values using semicolon as the delimiter and then use them in a user-defined Function’s IF
statement to compare, something like this:
IF in_store_id exists in (<delimited response from (1) above>)//...(2)
THEN do some stuff
where in_store_id
is the parameter passed-in to the function
Is this possible to do as one-liner in (2) above ?
I’m on Oracle 12c
One-liner? I don’t think so, but – if you’re satisfied with something like this, fine.
SQL> select * From config;
-------------- ----------------
7369;7499;7521 SPECIAL_STORE_ID
SQL> declare
2 in_store_id varchar2(20) := 7369;
3 l_exists number;
4 begin
5 select instr(value, ';' || in_store_id || ';')
6 into l_exists
7 from config
8 where property = 'SPECIAL_STORE_ID';
10 if l_exists > 0 then
11 dbms_output.put_line('that STORE_ID exists in the value');
12 else
13 dbms_output.put_line('that STORE_ID does not exist in the value');
14 end if;
15 end;
16 /
that STORE_ID exists in the value
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.